I got the same behaviour! But not every time, it happened twice so far.
It happens because of the fix for this topic: [FIXED] Controller sometimes not powering up? - #8 by matt
We implemented a timer that if it isn’t reset within one second, it will trigger a reboot.
This, in combination with me trying to make the MIDI reception faster, is making the controller be hung up on the MIDI reception for too long and thus rebooting the controller.
Got to fine-tune this reboot-time / MIDI reception speed set-up.
This one had 1 second reboot time + 5Khz MIDI reception.
This one has 1.5 second reboot time + 3.5Khz MIDI reception:hachi-0.15-3.5k-1.5-sec-reboot.bin (78.3 KB)
Whenever you can, please test them and tell me if it still reboots.