Feedback for Solo button in Ableton?

Hi! Been searching for days…

Have everything mapped in Ableton but the only thing not working is feedback for a button mapped to Solo. Can anyone provide insight?

Hey @manymanyhaha
Yes, its frustrating, the problem is Ableton that is not sending the corresponding midi message to the controller. I don’t know any workarounds with standard mapping.

You could use the YURS remote script just for the SOLO’s and keep everything else as it is.

Tip: This little guy has a “spy on output destination” feature which is perfect for this kind of debugging.

The idea is to “spy” the messages that Ableton is sending to the controller, if you try with the SOLO button you will notice that it does not send any message when you press it. But if you try with a MUTE it will send the corresponding message to the controller, etc.

I can use the YURS script just for the solo’s and keep all my other mappings the way they are? Alright, I will try to figure out how to do that.

Also, when one maps to a controller, does that create a default script that can then be imported into Remotify for further editing?

It’s amazing how difficult it is to find this information.

I can use the YURS script just for the solo’s and keep all my other mappings the way they are? Alright, I will try to figure out how to do that.

The script has channels 12, 13, and 14 free, you should move your manual mapping to one of those channels so they don’t overlap with the script.

Also, when one maps to a controller, does that create a default script that can then be imported into Remotify for further editing?

No, that is not possible.

That’s too bad. I’m not going to reprogram hundreds of things just to get solo feedback and I can’t fit it all on three channels anyway. Oh well.

Is there any other workaround? How are you able to achieve it in your script? What is Ableton responding to, or sending out, that you are able to get feedback?

That’s too bad. I’m not going to reprogram hundreds of things just to get solo feedback and I can’t fit it all on three channels anyway. Oh well.


Is there any other workaround? How are you able to achieve it in your script? What is Ableton responding to, or sending out, that you are able to get feedback?

The script handles all coms between Ableton’s API and the controller, so we don’t have any of the limitations of manual mapping. You could do something similar with Max for live.

Actually I tried to see if I could load your script into Remotify and modify it but I guess not, wouldn’t load.

So what am I trying to accomplish? This is probably a simple thing that I don’t understand. I see that your script is sending a Note or Notes for the Solo Button. What is the message that Ableton is sending back out for feedback? I can control the Solo button currently, just no feedback.

How would I use M4L for this? I also use Bome Midi Translator, if that would do the same thing.

Actually I tried to see if I could load your script into Remotify and modify it but I guess not, wouldn’t load.

No, that won’t work. There are two different scripts, but if you are using Remotify already, that is your best option. Remotify allows you to program feedback for those SOLOS.

This is probably a simple thing that I don’t understand. I see that your script is sending a Note or Notes for the Solo Button. What is the message that Ableton is sending back out for feedback? I can control the Solo button currently, just no feedback.

Because it does not use standard MIDI, the script watches the state of the SOLO button and then the script generates the corresponding feedback MIDI message.

How would I use M4L for this? I also use Bome Midi Translator, if that would do the same thing.

No, Bome is no help here.
What you could do is to have a device that handles the solo button, something like this overriding Ableton’s limitation. Try mapping the solo on that device and you will have feedback on the physical button.
That could be a good starting point to remix the device to your liking. If you are new to max the learning curve can be intimidating.

Conclusion: if you are using Remotify already that’s your best bet.

Well, I just purchased a license for Remotify, haven’t used it yet but sounds like I can create just a script for the Solo buttons and keep my other mappings intact. If so, yes, will start down that rabbit hole. Thanks for your help.

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