Hi! Why don't I get midi feedback when arming track in Live?

Hi everyone!
I just got my large format Yaeltex and love it.
I’ve geeked out quite a bit on KiloWhat and made it so I can control hundreds of different parameters in Ableton Live, without having to look at my laptop at all.

I get midi feedback from every single function in Ableton. If i turn something on, the light turns on my Yaeltex. If i turn up or down something, it shows up on my encoders etc…

Only ONE thing gives me NO feedback: when i arm a track.
I can arm them, but the corresponding digital button light, won’t change status to remind me which track is enabled.

Is there some obvious thing i’m missing?
I can get a feedback if i automate both arming and selecting the track with the same midi, but that causes me to cut the decay of a sound when i go to arm a different track.

Any help or words of wisdom would be super appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Giulio from Los Angeles


Hello @GC1981, welcome to the forum!

I just got my large format Yaeltex and love it.
I’ve geeked out quite a bit on KiloWhat and made it so I can control hundreds of different parameters in Ableton Live, without having to look at my laptop at all.

I get midi feedback from every single function in Ableton. If i turn something on, the light turns on my Yaeltex. If i turn up or down something, it shows up on my encoders etc…


This is because Ableton does not send a midi message out from the arm button.
You can overcome this by using the YURS, the universal remote script.

This tool is super useful to debug your mapping, especially the “spy on output destination” feature where you can see the messages AL is sending to your controller.

Thank you so much Ale!
Does the script take over all the work done in KiloWhat (changing all the cc sources and channels and color feedback etc) and in mapping my session templates in Ableton? Or does it just augment the things that Ableton can do when connected to a Yaeltex controller?

Thanks again!

The script expects certain messages for certain tasks, so if your mapping overlaps with the messages the script expects, you will have conflicts.

Take a look at the midi chart here
So, to clarify the key is ovoid overlapping messages between the script and the hand-mapped parameters.

Thanks so much Ale!
I think i found a workaround.
I map both the track selector and the arm track icon to the same button.
Since the track selector does give me midi feedback, I can then check what is armed.
And then, i put an ableton midi pitch plugin, set to zero range, effectively creating a midi input mute.

This way I can select a new instrument and play it, while muting the input to the previous one, and still hear the previous’ decay/sustain.
This way i can even hold down the sustain pedal on a pad, mute the midi of that pad, and play on top with something else, while holding the sustain, to then un mute the pad and change chord. It’s simplyer than it sounds. :slight_smile:

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