Keystroke question and feature request

Hi @ericgma!

Command key was left out (not voluntarily). It just happened :joy:

Future updates (hopefully soon!) will include it and many other key possibilities

Regarding the “Click” event, this isn’t included yet as a feature, but I’ll add it to the feature request list!

Low intensity has already been reported as not low enough. Here we have an issue with how colors are mixed with LED brightness. Lower brightness makes difficult to display some colors that have low values of on or more R, G and/or B channels.

Value to intensity feature allows you to control the brightness of buttons, encoder switches and encoder rings using messages like CC or NOTE, on a different channel than you configured for your specific component.
Works similarly to value to color (in rotary encoders), or vumeter features.
For example, if a button sends a NOTE #6 on channel 1, and for value to intensity you set the special channel to be 14, then sending a NOTE #6 on channel 14 will make the controller adjust the brightness of this button based on the note’s velocity value.

Hope this answer helps! If you need more details, let me know!
