tl;dr - Can buttons and other LED feedback items on Yaeltex controllers have their LED Colours controlled by incoming MIDI Data?
Greetings all.
Apologies if my query is outside of normalcy, but such is the world in which I exist. I do not own a Yaeltex controller, nor have I ordered one. I have made several designs and I’m excited about the next step of my rig control insanity.
I was going to present a bunch of detail on my current rig sans any custom controllers, but suffice to say that my rig is currently utilising an Event Processor which controls the LED feedback on my generic ‘box o’buttons and knobs’ controllers.
I find this quite flexible, as my button states sometimes have more than just On/Off values - sometimes they represent states that are affected by other controls. (eg a button may turn on/off a sequencer Track, but another button might Mute a group of Tracks and therefore the feedback to my controller indicates that a Track would be playing, but it is Muted).
So - I couldn’t find this detail in the Kilowhat manual, but I was hoping that Yaeltex controller button colours could be affected by incoming MIDI data (Velocity, or Note#, etc) determining button colour.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Apologies about my language issues.