RBG LED Feedback

Hello Folks,

New to the community, first post here - very happy to be here :slight_smile:

Im wondering if you can set the RBG lights can be set to feedback info they receive from Ableton?

These two images below show different colours for Macros and Clips - could I get these to show on the corresponding encoders and buttons on my device?


Hello @rawmuir!
Welcome to the forum!

We have implemented something like this in the last version of the universal script, but only for the clip launcher part. On the controller side, it is possible because of the value-to-color feature,

These two images below show different colours for Macros and Clips - could I get these to show on the corresponding encoders and buttons on my device?

Unfortunately, your particular case is not implemented yet in the script.

Hi Ale,
Thanks for your response.

I am working through the process of trying to get this to work with remotify. As we discussed in the emails it might just allow me a little more flexibility with a few programming options.

One question I need to answer is what does information does the Yaeltex β€˜need’ in order to light up the LEDS.

Is this something to do with Sysex? Or Something else?

Thank you for your continued support.