VUMETER "LED Indicator"

This may be a feature request, or it may be an existing feature that I just need pointed to…

It’s my understanding that VUMETER feedback can be routed to an encoder ring, which is very cool. For me thought, it’s a bit distracting.

I’ve seen a solution on some units before where you have a single LED that lights up with incoming signal and maybe even turns red if the signal goes above zero db. If I could route VUMETER to one button per channel (probably the same as I use for channel mutes) and have it flicker with signal strength, that would be really cool. Then if I mute that channel, no flicker… even cooler.


Thanks for the suggestion @Neil, it’s in fact is a feature request.

The underlying logic would be the same as the one we use for the encoders (sending a second feedback message on CH16), and as you said, the thing to consider would be how to show the incoming data. A combination of blinking and color could be really cool.

We have a nice and pretty long list of feature requests :upside_down_face: . I will add this one to it.

PD: We would love to prioritize features based on community votes, but we still need to search and find a way to systematize the process.


Thanks for logging the idea.

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