Hello, everyone! It’s been a while, but I’m trying to get back to working on my Yaeltex, HACHI. Before I was using it as a controller for Java software running on mac/pi, but now I want to implement directly in Yaeltex firmware, after doing some experimenting with Launchpad firmware. But before that I just wanted to see it working basically with MIDI.
However, I’m having trouble getting my controller going. Here’s what’s happened:
- Plugged it in to the computer, pushed buttons, but Ableton Live doesn’t see any midi input
- Tried running kilowhat; it sees the device but says “Could not get device BLOCK 0 to load config”
- Tried loading latest firmware (0.22) to it, no change
- Tried loading 0.21
- I think it was with 0.21, I was briefly able to see it in kilowhat and load the default settings
- Tried using it with Live, and live received controller and note messages
- But kept having stuck notes, after which it would no longer receive notes from the Yaeltex until I reset
- But now it’s in a state where it seems to keep restarting (lights blink on, then go off, pause, repeat). Kilowhat sees it, then loses it, gives the BLOCK 0 message, etc. No MIDI coming in to Live
So, how do I get it out of this reboot loop? and what firmware should I put on HACHI?