Hello! I’m very excited about creating a customer controller and have been playing with the factory. it looks great!
I have some questions about how MIDI feedback works. I have a sequencer I’ve developed that uses a Launchpad Pro as the controller, and I use color a lot to indicate what’s going on. The Launchpad has a table of 128 colors, which you can select for each button by sending a MIDI note or CC message with the appropriate velocity or CC value. So for example, a particular button might indicate that a sequence step is off, on, accented, or currently playing by using black (off), gray, white, or yellow. The colors are set by sending a MIDI message with the right value.
From looking at the Kilowhat manual, it seems like the only way you can set feedback is to specify a color range, with a choice of 16 available colors for the values. Is that correct?